Why You Should Consider Virtual School This Fall
Raise your hand if you’re going a little nuts researching alternatives to public school for the upcoming 2020/2021 school year. Between the pandemic, lack of diversity and representation in most school curricula, and a host of other reasons, it’s totally understandable that you’re considering other options. But if you’re like me, being the sole person in charge of your child’s education might be a little…daunting. Enter the amazing Anna Hopkins, Owner and Lead Teacher at Exceptional Village Academy. Her virtual school teaches K-12, gives students the driver’s seat in their own education, AND prioritizes African-American history (and not just during February, ya’ll).
Intrigued? I was too! Check out our chat below:
More Flexibility
One of the aspects I love most about the virtual school option is the flexibility. At Exceptional Village Academy, for example, K-2 students meet once a week while older kids meet for about an hour once a day. So, we would have time to incorporate other non-traditional forms of learning (I.E, museum visits or other educational field trips). We’re also free to schedule vacations, long weekends, etc. without worrying about missing assignments or racking up too many absences. This is especially helpful for us since, as a military family, we always try to schedule in a little downtime when Dad has a training holiday or block leave.
I also love that Anna lets her students take a front seat in their own education. She chats with them during the on-boarding process about what subjects they’re interested in and works with them to incorporate those into their education plans as electives. I LOVE THAT! I know when I was younger, I enjoyed school a lot more once I started choosing my own classes and I think kids are much more likely to stay motivated and pay attention if they’re empowered to take control of their own education.

Plenty of Face Time
One thing that worries me about educating my kids at home is the potential loss of social interaction with their peers. But Anna allows for plenty of online interaction between students which is awesome. And there are always local home-school groups, play-dates, meetups, and other group activities that allow plenty of opportunities for your kiddos to spend time with their friends and make new ones.
Home-School vs. Virtual School
And for the record, virtual school and home-school are two different options, in case you haven’t already realized. At Exceptional Village Academy, Anna and her co-teacher assume the lead role in your child’s education and you’re able to jump in as needed. Whereas, with home-school, it’s all you. So, virtual school might be a great option for you if you’re looking for an alternative to public school but you’re unable to take on that full-time responsibility.
A Final Word on At Home Education
I know there are a lot of horror stories out there about both virtual school and home-school, especially with many traditional schools forced to go the virtual route earlier this Spring. At-home education may not be for everyone. But here are a few things to remember when considering virtual school:
- Create a schedule and routine for you and your kids to stick to most days
- Allow for downtime (just like adults, kids can only soak up so much before they get bored or overwhelmed)
- Figure out how and when your kids learn best and go with that
- Above all, give you and your babies GRACE! This is uncharted territory for all of us and we’re all trying to make the best of it.

How Do I Know If Virtual School Is Right For Me?
Well, the first step involves filling out the sign up sheet on the school’s Facebook page. From there, Anna schedules a chat between her and the prospective family, so you’ll get a chance to ask questions and gain a full understanding of how everything works.
So, I encourage you to take a closer look at the virtual school option and see if it’s right for you; I bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised!
What do you think? Is virtual school a realistic option for you and your family? Share your thoughts below!

Felicia Tucker
Great advice. We are truly navigating some tough waters and having options is critical in our ability to make decisions for our families. Thanks for sharing!
My pleasure! Yes, we, as parents, have some tough decisions to make come Fall. That’s one of the reasons I was so excited to interview Anna, I think a lot of folks will find the info helpful
That sounds like a really good option. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, definitely an option to keep in mind as we get closer and closer to the start of the school year. Thank you for reading!