easy homeschool curriculum for preschoolers
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How To Start Homeschooling Your Preschooler

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Mamas who are figuring out how to start homeschooling your preschooler this Fall, this post is for you! My four year old was due to start preschool this year, but the pandemic has definitely changed our plans a bit. I’ve been toying with the idea of homeschooling since I started having kids, so I decided this Fall would be the perfect opportunity to try it out and see how both she and I adjust.


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Do Your Research

This being my first time homeschooling, I did a ton of research on what to expect, how to set things up, and what she should be learning during her first year. I also had to look up Oklahoma’s requirements for homeschool. Luckily, they’re pretty relaxed; if you’re considering going the homeschool route this Fall, you’ll want to check out the requirements for your own state. The Homeschool Legal Defense Association has a great resource for this. I also want to note that this isn’t as big of a deal for preschool since it’s not required in most states. But, if you’re looking at Kindergarten and beyond, you’ll definitely want to double-check!

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The Curriculum

So first things first: the curriculum. Honestly, there are a lot of free options out there, especially if you have the patience to sort of piece everything together. Routine and socialization are huge parts of most preschool curricula, so there are a ton of free resources available if you have the time to sort through everything. I didn’t have the time or patience, so I went with the Relaxed Home School curriculum. Their tagline, “making homeschool life easier” initially caught my eye, because I was definitely looking for the easiest, no-muss, no-fuss solution to our issue. There are tons of resources both free and paid for homeschool activities, schedules, tips and tricks PLUS a full home-school curriculum for preschool through the fifth grade. I was in heaven!

Jenny’s no-prep preschool curriculum is geared towards kids ages 3-6 and contains 9 weeks of lesson plans designed to help your preschooler learn colors, shapes, letters and letter sounds, work on problem-solving skills, count to twenty, and develop fine motor skills. It’s a great bargain at just $25 (note: it’s a digital product, so you’ll need to either have it printed or print it yourself; more on that later). If you don’t need an entire curriculum, there are also some great preschool theme packs that start at 99 cents like the Shapes and Colors and Dot to Dot Number Practice Sheets.

Tips & Tricks

Like I mentioned earlier, I did a ton of research so I picked up a few super-helpful tips and tricks for my fellow moms who are new to the homeschool thing:

Don’t Force It

Don’t freak out if your kid is still having trouble with the S sound a few weeks in or she forgets one or two numbers. Right now, you’re just laying groundwork and getting your preschooler used to the concepts.

Notoriously Short Attention Spans

I don’t know about you, but my babe can remain laser-focused on something for a small amount of time and then she’s onto the next thing. So I designed our schedule to reflect that; we work with one subject or concept for about 10-15 minutes and then move on to the next.

All-Day Schedules? Totally Unnecessary

Even with traditional preschool, there are tons of breaks built in (think bathroom breaks, recess, lunch, quiet time, etc.) so kids are not expected to constantly absorb material all day long. If your schedule ends up only being 2-3 hours or less, that’s okay too. In fact, the Relaxed Homeschool recommends an hour a day to get started!

how to start homeschooling your preschooler
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Get Creative

Craft projects, cuddle time with a good book, nature walks, educational YouTube videos, and preparing snacks together are all learning opportunities for your preschooler. Consider ways to supplement your babe’s traditional curriculum with fun little extras that involve connecting with each other and/ or giving Mama a little quiet time as well!

Involve Younger Siblings

My middle child, who will be 2 in August, wants to do everything Big Sister does, so I plan to include her in as many activities and lessons as we can. That way, I’m not stuck planning and supervising separate activities and Little Sister gets to soak up the same information a year or two early.

Be Kind To Yourself & Your Pre-Schooler

It’s been said so many times that it has almost become cliche, but it certainly bears repeating here: we are in unprecedented times, folks. A lot of us are homeschooling (or going the virtual route) for the first time, so this is a new experience for us and our kids. Some of us are also juggling jobs and simultaneously caring for younger kids. We need to give our babies and ourselves grace in figuring out a routine that works for everyone.

easy homeschool plans 2020
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com

Note: If you’re considering the virtual school route this Fall, you should check out my interview with Anna Hopkins, the owner of Exceptional Village Academy. Her virtual school teaches grades K-12 AND focuses on African-American History!

My Supply List

These items are definitely not required for a successful homeschool experience. They’re just some awesome Amazon finds that I came across to enhance our experience, so I wanted to share with you all!

homeschool curriculum for preschoolers
Photo Credit: Diego Ciervo/ Shutterstock.com

Printing Resources

Staples starts at 13 cents per page + Shipping!

Homeschool Printing Company prints 200 pages for about $10 + Shipping and you can choose to have it spiral bound!

So, hopefully, I gave you some good info on how to start homeschooling your preschooler this Fall. I’m curious, what’s everyone doing to prepare? Any tips or tricks you want to share? Give me a shout below!

Contributor: Lisa Scales

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock.com

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