smiling black Mom wearing a colorful sweatshirt and sunglasses
Motherhood & Self-Care

Mom Life Made Easier | Simple Mom “Hacks” To Get You Through Life

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Mom life is a blessing for sure, but let’s be real. It’s also HARD AF sometimes! Don’t worry though, it’s about to get a lot easier. This week’s blog post is all about the simple Mom hacks I started using that have totally improved my life and will hopefully improve yours as well. Let’s jump right in, Mama!

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Mom Hack #1: Plan Around Your Cycle

The first time I heard about this, I kind of rolled my eyes. But after doing a little research and trying it for myself, it made a whole lot of sense! So how exactly does it work?

As you know, your hormones, energy levels, and even your mood tends to ebb and flow depending on where you are in your cycle. For example, most of us tend to feel sluggish and possibly short-tempered during the week right before our periods start.

Knowing that, I usually try not to schedule anything to taxing or intense during that time, whether it’s family events or starting a big project for All Day Britney. On the other hand, I tend to feel full of energy, and super creative during the “ovulatory phase” of my cycle (usually around Day 13 or so) and that’s when I plan for the big stuff.

Since I started planning around my cycle, I tend to be more mindful of mood swings, feeling anxious for no reason, and where that may be coming from. Plus, I definitely lean into treating myself during those harder days with a little extra “me-time”!

Want to try it for yourself? Here’s a great article that breaks your cycle down phase by phase.

Mom Hack #2: Lean Into Whatever Products Make Your Life Easier

As a Mom of 5, I am no stranger to a limited budget! But I have learned to weigh the cost of an item or service against how much time and energy it will save me. I’m not saying go out and buy ALL THE THINGS. Sometimes, though, if a particular product will make your life easier and speed up your daily routines, it’s worth its weight in gold!

Products That Are Making My Life Easier Right Now

Simplify My Nighttime Skincare Routine— At $24, this cleansing balm probably costs more than I’ve ever spent on a cleanser. BUT. It dissolves EVERYTHING from heavy mineral sunscreen to a full face of makeup within minutes WITHOUT having to double-cleanse!

I get up every morning around 5-5:30am, so I’m usually exhausted by the time I’m ready to wash my face in the evenings. Any product that saves me even a few minutes is a must have in my book.

Hair Day Minus The Crying & Squirming— I got a free sample of this 4 in 1 detangler in an Ulta order last year and was HOOKED. Imagine my hesitation when I went back for a full size and saw that $32 price tag! EXCEPT

It smells amazing, adds shine AND detangles like a dream. (Even on my six year old’s coily 4C texture). The first time I sat down to do her hair, and she didn’t immediately start whining, I was sold.

Mom Hack #3: Weekly Meal Planning

Remember how I told you we’re a family of seven? As you can imagine, figuring out mealtime can be chaotic. A few months ago, I finally put a stop to it and started planning all of our meals (including the kids’ snacks) once a week.

Hubby and I use a Weekly Meal Planner printable. We usually have the older kids give their input, so everyone gets to pick a meal. Then, I grocery shop based off the week’s meals.

Once everything’s ordered, I pin the meal planner to our dry erase board and voila! My husband’s not asking me what he should make the kids for dinner while I’m working and the kids aren’t asking repeatedly what’s for lunch, because it’s all posted!

**Between looking up recipes, planning the meals, and ordering the groceries, it usually takes us anywhere from 30 to 40 minutes, so I decided to save you a little bit of time! The planner bundle linked above also contains a sample meal plan (feel free to steal my ideas!) and a week’s worth of crowd-please dinner recipes including my tips and tricks to make each meal your own.

The best part: once I’ve filled out the planner for the week, I don’t have to think about meal planning again until the next week. It has done wonders for my stress levels!

Mom Hack #4: Start Your Day Before Your Family

Now, full disclosure: this mom hack works best if your kids are actually sleeping through the night! I usually wake up about an hour to an hour and half before the kids and that time is absolutely glorious, let me tell you.

Sometimes, I’ll get work done, but usually, I just use that time to chill and enjoy the quiet. I sip my tea or coffee (and get to finish it while it’s still hot!) and doomscroll, read, or practice my affirmations. For the most part, it’s like starting my day off with a little guarantee of alone time, and it has done wonders for my mood.

I will say, if you’re going to get up at the crack of dawn, you have to go to bed early too! I try to start the bedtime routine for my kids and myself early enough, so I have time to decompress and be in bed early enough to wake up the next morning with no issues.

Mom Hack #5: Embrace The Age Appropriate “Craziness”

We set boundaries for all five of the kids. And we do have “family rules” in place to help the days go smoothly. But I also acknowledge and understand that their behavior is normal and completely age appropriate.

It doesn’t always completely alleviate the frustration but knowing the “why” does help. It’s not your fault, it’s not your kids’ fault, it just is. The more that I understand that, the easier it becomes to focus on figuring out a solution rather than the behavior itself. (More on my conscious parenting journey, if you’re interested!)

My Favorite Books For Understanding Adolescent Behavior

Parenting For Liberation: A Guide For Raising Black Children, by Trina Greene Brown

The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Childrenby Dr. Shefali Tsabari

Ages And Stages: A Parent’s Guide To Normal Childhood Development, by Charles E. Schaefer

The Whole Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies To Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind, by Daniel J. Siegel

The Parenting Roadmap: Step-By-Step Solutions To Consciously Create The Ultimate Parent-Child Relationship, by Dr. Shefali Tsbari

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What Mom hacks have saved your life so far this year? Share with the class in the comments below!

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