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Motherhood & Self-Care

The Busy Mom’s Self Care Guide | 5 Realistic Tips

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Five of my best (REALISTIC) self-care tips for busy Moms! When I was finally able to come up for air after the birth of my twins (babies number 4 & 5!) my first goal was to focus on myself a bit more and bring back my favorite self-care routines.

I did a lot of Googling to come up with ideas, and you know what I found? While there are tons of lists, sample routines, and, of course, self-care products out there, there’s not a ton of info on how to make time for self-care in real life.

And when it comes to self-care tips for a busy mom of 5?

Honey, the info was almost non-existent.

I pretty much made up the rules as I went a long, but this week, I’m sharing what worked (and continues to work) for me to help my fellow Mamas out. We’re in this together!

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How To Take Care of Yourself As A Busy Mom

Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer. As busy Moms, every day looks a bit different, especially with younger kids. Some days you thrive, and some days you’re just trying to survive. But I’ve found that the key to taking care of yourself is literally creating the space in the day for it.

If you tell yourself, I don’t have time to worry about that right now, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and you literally won’t have time. I heard on a podcast once that, most days, Moms have to FIGHT LIKE HELL to make time for themselves, and that felt so accurate. It can be a fight, but it’s most certainly a worthy fight. The busy mom self-care how-to’s below will help!

How Do You Practice Self-Care When Busy?

One of my biggest tips, which we’ll get into a bit more below, is to schedule your self-care just like you would anything else in your calendar. This can you help make you more intentional about taking that time for yourself.

When life for us Moms gets super busy, self-care is usually the first thing to go. But when things are hectic, that’s when you need self-care THE MOST.

If you take nothing else from this post, please take this: you can’t show up for your family the way they need you to, if you don’t show up for yourself first! Keep reading for ways to make self-care happen, even as a busy Mom.

1. How To Drink More Water

You’re most likely aware that you have to drink water every day to stay hydrated, take care of your hair, skin and nails, etc.

But if you’re anything like I was, most days, it can be difficult to get a few sips of water, let alone the recommended amount. These days, I average about 80 oz on a good day.

Here’s what’s helping…

  • Start your day sipping water. I keep a tumbler by my bed so, as soon as my morning alarm goes off, I take a few sips before even getting out of the bed.

  • Sip before and after using the bathroom. Obviously, the more you drink, the more you’ll have to pee! So, this is a great way to remind myself to get in a few sips throughout the day.

  • Use your calendar. I make a tick mark on my calendar every time I finish my 40 oz tumbler. A two-tick day, is a good day!

My favorite tumbler (no, it’s not $40, although those are gorgeous!) keeps my water cold all day long (even sitting in a hot car while I’m in the store!)

2. How To Get More Sleep

Another very obvious tip! But, like, how do you make it work? As a busy Mom of 5, I used to work/ clean/ handle business literally all day before falling into bed at about 10 or 11pm.

Then I would spend an hour or two enjoying the quiet and scrolling my phone, sipping wine, etc. Sound familiar?

Here are the changes I made to get more sleep.

  • Count backwards. For example, during the week, I wake up at 5:30am. I know I need to be asleep by 9:30 at the latest in order for that to happen. That means the kids need to be asleep by 8pm so I have enough time to wind down and do my thing before also heading to bed.

  • Work your “alone time” into your nighttime routine. Even on the craziest of days, you know you’ll have at least 30 minutes to an hour during the evening to chill. No need to sacrifice extra sleep for that beloved me time!

  • Divide and conquer! If you’re still putting the kids to bed, straightening the house, and prepping for the next day while your partner snores away, here’s your permission TO STOP. They are your partner for a reason, so request their “partnership” in handling evening business so you can both get the rest you need. Usually, I’ll straighten up the common areas while hubby handles the bedtime routine for the kids, or vice-versa.

3. How To Make Time For Your Favorite Self-Care Activities

  • Scheduling is EVERYTHING. Just like you schedule your kids’ dental appointments or your own doctor visits, mark times on the calendar for your self-care activity of choice.
  • Plan ahead. Obviously, you’re not going to stop in the middle of making dinner so you can go for your evening walk. But if you know you have something planned that evening, start dinner earlier or take it off your plate entirely with a ready-made meal! We keep frozen pizzas and other pre-prepped meals freezer for these exact situations.

4. How To Eat Better

  • Plan your meals REALISTICALLY. If you and your family get bored eating the same thing more than once or twice (NO judgment here!) planning for meat loaf for dinner for Monday-Wednesday probably won’t work. Maybe some of the ground beef becomes meatloaf, and the rest you season for tacos!
  • Also keep in mind time constraints. Crockpot meals are your friend! Pre-prepped meals (see above) are also your friend! Target has yummy fresh ones that are STILL cheaper than eating out for a family of 7 (healthier too!)
  • Plan your meals on paper. Or digitally. Whichever you prefer! I plan breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks for the week and then grocery shop based on that plan. Saves time, energy, and I don’t have to hear “What are we eating?” 50x a day!

Ready to give meal planning a try this year? My $2 Weekly Meal Planner Printable has you covered! Spaces for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks included PLUS a thirty-two item grocery list. Print and fill out weekly and get on with your life!

5. How To Build Your Community

The SAHM life can definitely be isolating. The days are long and it’s hard to find energy to meet with friends or try and meet new people. But the truth is, building connections outside of your family is a great way to embrace who you are outside of motherhood. Most definitely worth the effort!

  • Put yourself out there. Check local pages for community events where you might meet other moms (kids events, cake decorating classes, maybe running groups, etc.)

  • Take the first step! “Do you want to meet for coffee next Friday?” Don’t be afraid to reach out to new acquaintances with a low-key, low-pressure invite. It doesn’t have to be any deeper than that!
  • Look for online communities. This can be tricky, I know. The key is to look for well-moderated groups that encourage positivity and love without all the drama. This one’s my favorite, but I could be a little biased(;

6. How To Dress Better

YES, this one counts as self-care in my book, because when you look good, you feel good. Here’s a recent post on how to look put together as a SAHM, but I’ll share some quick tips here as well!

  • Focus on solid color basics. Doesn’t have to be neutrals! Pick a color palette you love (Pinterest is great for this) and let that guide your shopping. You’ll end up with a cohesive wardrobe that will make getting dressed everyday easier and much faster.
  • Be realistic about your season. Example: if you’ve recently transitioned into SAHM life, you probably don’t need the pencil skirts and blazers as much anymore! What does your life look like on a daily basis? What items do you need to be prepared for anything?

CHEAT SHEET! I have a list of 13 Wardrobe Essentials created with busy Moms like you in mind AND covering all seasons! Fill out the form below and I’ll send it right over!

If you found these self-care tips for busy Moms helpful, please let me know in the comments! Which one are you most likely to implement right now?

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VISIT MY ETSY SHOP$2 Undated Weekly Meal Planner Printables (thanks for your support!)

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