The Busy Mom’s Self Care Guide | 5 Realistic Tips
Five of my best (REALISTIC) self-care tips for busy Moms! When I was finally able to come up for air after the birth of my twins (babies number 4 & 5!) my first goal was to focus on myself a bit more and bring back my favorite self-care routines. I did a lot of Googling to come up with ideas, and you know what I found? While there are tons of lists, sample routines, and, of course, self-care products out there, there’s not a ton of info on how to make time for self-care in real life. And when it comes to self-care tips for a busy mom of 5?…
Bath Time Self Care: Simple Ways To Upgrade Your Bath For A Relaxing & Restorative Experience
Rub a dub dub! Here's how to create a beautiful bath time self care routine that's restorative and relaxing to help you rest up for tomorrow.