woman relaxing in the bath, placing a glass of wine on a nearby small marble table
Motherhood & Self-Care

Bath Time Self Care: Simple Ways To Upgrade Your Bath For A Relaxing & Restorative Experience

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Mom to mom, let me tell you: bath time is one of the most important parts of my self care routine. Historically, bath time rituals have always been a thing. Think about the ancient Romans, for example, with their luxurious bath houses and daily soaks in both warm and cold water. And you probably remember, as a little kid, taking warm baths before bedtime, right? They were a great idea then and these days, they’re a great way to end a particularly stressful or busy day. Let’s chat about bath time self care: how it works and why you should try it!

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Is Taking A Bath Self Care?

You may have seen the chatter on social media about how regular, everyday tasks do not count as self-care. Brushing your teeth. Sitting down to eat a well-balanced meal. Drinking water consistently. Bathing. These are all necessities, things we have to do to stay healthy, not necessarily self-care. I disagree to a point. While those things certainly count as self-care, they are the most basic forms of it, and we can definitely shoot for more!

So, yes, bath time definitely counts as self-care. Obviously, it’s a good idea to clean yourself frequently (whether in a bath or shower) but baths have other benefits as well. They can provide relief from sore muscles or cramping. The steam from the bath can help with congestion issues. And the quiet provides time for self-reflection, positive affirmations if you find those helpful, or even meditation.

For a lot of us Mamas, bath time is one of the few moments throughout the day where we can enjoy complete peace and quiet. That alone, is reason enough to slow down and enjoy that time!

How To Make Bath Time Self Care Happen For Yourself

If you’re anything like me, your evenings are probably already pretty busy. Maybe you’re focused on bathing the littles, prepping for the next day, or offering last-minute help with homework. But there are a few things you can do the make time in the evenings for yourself, especially after the kids are in bed for the night!

Give Your Older Kids A Heads Up: If your kids are old enough to understand “do not disturb”, let them know you’re going to be busy for the next hour or so and enlist your partner’s help in keeping them occupied while you focus on YOU.

Create A Family Routine: This is especially helpful for younger kids. Create an evening routine that allows you time to get your self care in. For example, this may mean starting the bedtime routine at 6:30 so you’re finished, and everyone is asleep by 7:30. Then you have time, before it gets super late and you’re too tired, to enjoy bath time.

Let Some Things Go: For a lot of us, the evenings are time to catch up on housework or finally get around to whatever home improvement project you have on your list. And those things are definitely important. But, SO IS REST.

If, more often than not, you fill your evenings with more chores and a never-ending to-do list, when do you have time to rest in preparation for the next day? The key is balancing that to-do list with time for yourself. And understanding that taking quiet time to yourself is just as important to your family’s wellbeing as keeping the laundry going!

Speaking of balance…

Be Realistic: Bath time is absolutely a form of self-care. It is also an indulgence, one that you may not have time for every single evening. Even with the most efficient family routines, some nights look like eating a quick dinner and taking the world’s fastest shower before falling into bed. That’s totally fine!

This blog post is about trying something that you’re not already doing or upgrading the baths that you’re already taking. But hear this: bath time is not the end all be all of self-care. Don’t let this be another thing to stress over or to squeeze into an already packed evening. If it works for you, great. If it doesn’t or tonight just isn’t the right night, that’s okay too.

Want more self-care tips for busy Mamas like yourself?

Simple Tips To Upgrade Your Bath Time Self Care Routine

1. Declutter Your Bathroom First

The number one tip for bath time self care: make your bathroom a calm, clutter-free space. I know this is easier to do if you have a separate space from your kids! But, even if you share, it’s worth the time and effort, I promise.

If you sink into the bathtub and the only thing you can think about is the pile of dirty laundry on the floor… well, first, close the curtain so you can enjoy your bath! But for next time, straighten up your space so that when you enter the room all you can focus on is you.

Did that tip just stress you out? I recently wrote a post on how to declutter when you’re overwhelmed that might help!

2. Upgrade Your Bathroom Lighting

No wiring work required! Switch out your bulbs for LED ones you can control with your phone. You choose how warm, bright, and what color your lighting is.

3. Light Candles

If fancy bulbs aren’t in the budget, turn out the lights completely and use candles for soft, ambient lighting.

4. Take Your Time & Remove Distractions

There’s no need to rush! And, if you’re watching baby on the monitor, STOP. Hand over the monitor to your partner so you can relax.

5. Aromatherapy Is Your Friend

You can burn essential oils or scented candles. If those aren’t your thing, there are scented bubble bath, bath salts and powders, and bath bombs to elevate your bath. Also, look for products that hydrate and soothe, so your skin reaps the benefits long after bath time is over.

6. Have A Dedicated Playlist

Some folks prefer complete silence, which is helpful for meditation or self-reflection. Sometimes, I listen to music (usually a “spa playlist”) or a favorite podcast.

7. Spring For Luxe Products

If your budget allows, treat yourself to fluffy towels or even just a new loofah or sponge. Or…

8. Upgrade Your Old Towels

Stick them in the dryer for 15 minutes so they’re cozy and warm when it’s time to dry off!

Bottom line:

Yes, bath time counts as a form of self-care. But it’s okay (and totally realistic) if you don’t have time for baths every single night.

If you want to make time in your evening for bath time self care, there are things you can do to create that space for yourself like enlisting your partner (or a family member) for help and creating a family routine that begins earlier in the evening so you have time for yourself at the end of the evening.

When you do have time for a good bath, try some of the simple tips above for an elevated experience.

How do you do bath time? Let’s chat in the comments!

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Featured Image Credit: Monstera Production, Pexels.com

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