8 Simple Ways For Stressed Moms To Overcome Overwhelm & Fight Anxiety
These Ten Tips Will Help You Overcome Overwhelm
As Moms, there are always about 20 different obligations and responsibilities pulling us every which way and it’s so easy to get overwhelmed. I homeschool my oldest two, create content like this blog post, and, until recently, worked full time as an Inside Sales Agent for a real estate team back home. So, I definitely know about feeling stressed and out of control. This week, I want to share the eight simple but effective coping strategies that helped me overcome overwhelm and will help you too. Let’s jump in!

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1. Write Everything Down
You can use the notes app on your phone or a good old fashioned spiral notebook. Whatever you use, it’s always helpful to jot down any ideas or thoughts that you want to come back to later. This is especially helpful if you work from home; I usually write down any final thoughts at the end of a working session so I’m not still obsessing over them when I’ve moved on to the next part of my day.
2. Develop A (Flexible) Routine
Figure out what routine works best for your family. For us, we wake up around the same time during the week, homeschool around the same time, and my youngest takes his nap around the same time every day. Creating a family routine gives me an idea of what to expect each day and helps me plan accordingly. Having some sense of structure and predictability will give you something to fall back on when you start to feel overwhelmed.
Notice I said “flexible”?
That’s the caveat! Especially when you have young kids, you want to remember that some days won’t go exactly as planned. And that’s totally fine! Giving yourself the space and freedom to adjust and go with the flow when needed will go a long way in reducing stress and managing anxiety.
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3. Make A Plan
I started doing this back when I started my boutique after having my first baby. Whenever you have a big project or event coming up, outline a plan of attack! You can use the notes app in your phone, or there are some great workflow apps like Trello (with a robust free version!) that will help you outline the steps you need to take to make it happen. Whenever you start to feel anxious, refer back to your plan. For me, it helps to have a list of actions I can check off and refer back to when I start to feel overwhelmed about an upcoming project.
4. Organize Your To Do List
You probably keep a running to-do list, right? But, are your to-do items organized by level of importance? If not, definitely take a critical look at your list and figure out which items need addressing immediately. When you plan your day, you’ll have a clearer idea of the things you need to focus on and the things that can wait another day or so.
I don’t know about you, but I hate going to bed at night and realizing I devoted way too much time and energy to things that just weren’t that important. It’s easy to do when you’re feeling stressed. You want to tackle SOMETHING on your list, so you pick a random item and get started. But, that’s not always the most efficient use of your time. A little organization and prioritization will help keep you from wasting your energy.

5. Put The Phone Down
Honestly, I struggle with this one daily. But, it’s no secret that too much time on social media can definitely mess with your mental health. It’s also a huuuge time suck (ever started scrolling and finally looked back up an hour later? Me too!) so try setting limits for your usage. You can set a timer to go off after fifteen minutes or so; that way, you don’t stay on a platform too long. You can also plan to put your phone away after a certain time in the evening so you can fully relax, decompress, and get into rest mode.
Sometimes, your phone, with it’s distracting notifications and many social media apps, can contribute to your stress levels, so it’s a good idea to take a hard look at your usage and see where you can make cuts. It has been hard, but I feel like this step has been the most instrumental in overcoming overwhelm over the last few months.
Get moving! A quick workout or even a walk around the block is a great way to clear your head when you start to feel overwhelmed. If you’re considering starting a fitness routine at home, check out my review of Harlem Cycle At Home, a robust home fitness program that’s perfect for busy Mamas.
6. Try Meditating To Overcome Overwhelm
Bianca Hughes, a recent podcast guest, has a really good explanation for why meditating is so helpful and important. She says when we take time to breathe and think, we’re able to approach our day (or a big project) with more clarity and make better decisions. Makes sense, right?
As a mom of three, I get how difficult it can be to find a few quiet moments to even hear yourself think, let alone meditate. However, if you can make meditation time a priority, it’s incredibly helpful when you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed.
And, it doesn’t have to involve you sitting cross-legged on the floor with eyes closed, saying “ohhhhmm” over and over again either! I recently discovered shower time is a great time to be alone with my thoughts, so I starting making a big thing of it. I turn out the lights, light a candle, and take a slightly longer shower than usual. Coffee time is great too. For the most part, my kids know to entertain themselves while I’m having coffee, so that’s usually a really good time to reflect on my day.
7. Prioritize Time To Yourself
Whether you want time to meditate, eat a meal in peace, or pursue a hobby, prioritizing time to yourself is a key way to overcome overwhelm and reduce stress. Especially when you have kids, it’s so easy to focus mostly on them and your partner if you have one. But, here’s the problem with always putting everyone else’s needs before your own: you’re always the last person to be taken care of! And we all know when Mama struggles, the entire family struggles.
If you’re one of those mamas that feels guilty about prioritizing your alone time, I’m right there with you! But, consider this: you can’t show up for your family in the way that they need you to without first making sure you’re fulfilled, healthy, and happy. Your family doesn’t want the stressed out, overwhelmed version of you. They need you to be okay, and the only way that can happen is if you’re prioritizing your own needs.

8. Don’t Be Afraid To Say No (even to your kids!)
I know you already know this, but I thought you might appreciate the reminder!
The truth is, we can’t be everything for everybody. We can’t possibly show up to every event, facilitate every single activity, take charge of every family responsibility and still take care of ourselves in the process. The sooner we realize this, and actually take it to heart, the easier it is to just say no to some things.
I’m reminded of that Nora Roberts quote where she talks about figuring out which balls are glass and which ones are rubber. You have to figure out what things in your life are glass; in other words, the things that absolutely have to be taken care of by you. The rest of it is rubber, Mama! Delegate to your partner, or maybe, just say no! It’s okay to NOT take part in something, even if it’s something your kids are asking you to do.
While only YOU can decide what’s glass and what’s rubber, figuring that out will definitely help you focus on the most important things and stop stressing over the smaller stuff.
Have You Picked Up Some Helpful Ways To Overcome Overwhelm?
I sure hope so! I wrote this post because I figured other moms might also be struggling (especially around this time of year) and wanted to share what’s worked for me so far. If you found this post helpful, please consider sharing (see the share buttons at the top of this post) with a friend so it can help someone else(: Thanks for reading!
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